Wray & Lani Landon and the Wray Landon Legacy Fund
Honoring our close friend and coworker Wray Landon IV, a memorial fund has been created to extend the conservation and stewardship work he loved. Wray passed away while skiing on the South Teton Sunday, February 21, 2010. Teton Regional Land Trust lost a valuable employee and friend that day. Honoring the wishes of Wray’s family, the Land Trust created the “Wray Landon Legacy Fund.” Gifts made to this fund go towards furthering the great work Wray did with the Teton Regional Land Trust.
Wray was a skilled naturalist and biologist who developed an impressive understanding of the natural systems of the Upper Snake River Watershed. He applied his knowledge with fervor and skill towards the stewardship of conservation easement lands. His field work and knowledge of the resources helped guide the permanent projects in partnership with landowners to protect their land. His good sense and courtesy endeared him to the landowners with whom the Land Trust worked, helping build strong relationships essential to the conservation of private lands. His surveys of Yellowstone cutthroat redds, Sandhill Cranes in Teton Valley, song-birds on the South Fork, and waterfowl along the Henry’s Fork, added to the knowledge of wildlife resources in eastern Idaho.
To Date (Feb 2020), $130,046 has been raised in honor of Wray’s Legacy:
- $88,031 has been contributed directly to the Wray Landon Legacy Fund
- Since 2010, the Land Trust has also hosted the Wrun for Wray which combined Wray ‘s love for adventure with his commitment to conservation. This event has raised an additional $9,947 from race fees and event fundraising.
- Local businesses and individuals have provided $19,327 in cash sponsorships and in-kind donations to support the race, raffle, and prizes.
$62,308 from the fund has supported the following activities and projects:
- Matching funds for land protection projects in Teton Valley
- Summer internship program
- Fence removal projects
- Ecological monitoring including Yellowstone cutthroat trout, Sandhill Cranes, and songbirds
- Support to hire a new full-time position of Land Manager
- Educational materials and platform at Wood’s Creek Fen
- Capacity to complete the North American Wetland Conservation grant
- Habitat restoration projects
- Wrun for Wray 2009-2019
$67,738 of the fund is held to advance special opportunities.
“We are so very grateful to everyone who has donated to Wray’s Legacy Fund in the past and to those who continue to remember Wray every year. It puts a smile on our faces and gives us a big lift when we hear someone has donated again. We think of Wray every day and miss him dearly. It’s so important to us to have something so positive as his Legacy Fund to help continue the work he loved so much at the Land Trust. We know he would be excited to see the completion of the Teton Creek Corridor Project.
The Land Trust has been wonderful to partner with on Wray’s Legacy Fund. They consistently target meaningful projects and activities for support by the Fund.
In the past ten years, we have met so many wonderful people who knew and worked with Wray. He lived a simple life in Teton Valley but he was happy and rich in his friendships. This makes us feel very good.” – Wray and Lani Landon
Wray and Lani were recognized with our 3oth Anniversary Volunteer Appreciation Award.
Wray Landon Legacy Fund Supporters
Kira Appelhans
Kristi & Tony Appelhans
Jessica Avizinis
Laura & Ralph Belleville
James & Susan Berkenfield
Ellen & Nicholas Besobrasov
Kim & Zahan Billimoria
Jim Bjorken
Trish & Mike Boyd
Niel & Sue Bratton
Tim & Wendy Brockish
Anne Bryant
Tom Carmody
Rob & Katie Cavallaro
Kim & Joyce Childs
Clifford & Dot Coddington
Justin Coleman
Janelle Constantino
Catherine Crowder
Tracy Delamater
Joe Dennis
Jim & Karin Desser
Glenn Devoe
James & Sherry Dokos
Kathy Dolan
Harold & Kaye Dunn
Marty & Patricia Edwards
Constance & Gary Forney
David & Debbie Fosdick
Steven & Barbara Frank
James & Joan Garza
Lisa Gaskey
Anthony Gould
Van Gould
Frederick & Neccia Hahn
Hamill Family Foundation
Lisa Hamilton
Glen & Barb Hayes
Michael & Margaret Hinman
Susan & Lynn Holt
Evan & Anita Honeyfield
Idaho Falls Ski Club
Idaho National Laboratory
Glenn Janss
Kelly Canyon Ski Team
LeeAnne Landon
Bruce & Atsuko Landon
Jane Landon
Wray & Lani Landon
Miles La Rowe
Bill & Deborah Leake
Christine Leusch
Alex & Francine Lheritier
Betty Ann Limpert
Dennis & Shelly Lowe
Matt Lucia
Bob & Anna Lugar
Veronica Lujan
Bob & Debbie Malheiro
Sandy & Mary Mason
Roger & Pamela Mayes
Ken & Barbara McIntosh
Faith McKinney
Anne Meade
Sylvia Medina
Connie Mohr
Loretta Moses
AJ & Jeff Mousseau
Carolyn Neblett
David & Marcia Nigg
Mary Noble
Brett Novak
Brian & Beverly Novak
Cheryl & Barry O’Brien
Donald & Cathy Ormond
Anne Pagenstecher
Carol Perry
Gary & Jen Price
Jerry & Barbara Reese
Dave & Linda Reinke
Tim Reynolds & Patty Isaeff
Karen Rice
David & Marjorie Robinson
Clint & Sherrie Rohner
Thomas & Elise Rothamel
Wayne Sander
Dean & Mimi Scofield
Bonnie & Doug Self
DL & JB Sharp
Bill Smith & Adonia Henry
Kathy Smolik
Soderquist Family
Tamara Sperber
Peter & Lenore Stepanishen
Teton Valley Trails & Pathways
Mike TenEyck
Babette Thorpe & John Rice
Clyde Toole
John & Tiff VanOrman
Clint & Gini Van Siclen
Anne Voilleque
Kimmon Richards & Douglas Whatmore
Kent & Jen Werlin
Ethan & Anne Winter
Nancy Winter
David & Susie Work
Dave & Pam Worthington
Felix & Joyce Zajac
Monica & Richard Zimmerman
Wrun for Wray Supporters
460 Bread
Brownings Honey
Casual Custom Graphics
Cottonwood Dental Care
Get Baked Prepared Food Emporium
Grand Targhee Resort
Grand Teton Brewing
Grand Teton Distillery
Great Harvest
High Country Bloomers
Idaho Falls Arts Council
Idaho Mountain Trading
Kathy Dolan
Knotty Pine
Lani & Wray Landon
Liquid Hardware
Liquor Market
MD Nursery
Papa Murphy’s
Peaked Sports
Play Clean Go campaign
Post Register
Roadhouse Brewing Co
Sam’s Club
SIBBZ Industries LLC
Smith Honda
Snake River Printing
Streubel Physical Therapy
Teton Thai
Teton Trail Runners
Teton Valley Health Care
Teton Regional Land Trust
Victor Emporium
Victor Valley Market
Westside Yard
Yostmark Mountain Equipment