The inspiration for the Teton Regional Land Trust came from a small group of community members who recognized their cherished landscape, with its unique agricultural character and vibrant wildlife populations, was at risk. The Teton Valley Land Trust was founded in 1990, and upon merging with the Fremont Heritage Trust a few years later, became the Teton Regional Land Trust.
Early efforts concentrated on protecting critical habitat and productive farms and ranches in Teton Valley. Since those first days, the Land Trust quickly expanded protection to include six eastern Idaho counties (Bonneville, Clark, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison, and Teton) and portions of Teton County, Wyoming. The Land Trust has matured into a professionally accredited organization that has worked with hundreds of landowners and conservation partners to protect 36,400 acres between 1990 and 2020. By working with willing landowners, the Land Trust has become a valued and trusted community institution. The Land Trust has worked hard to protect some of the most irreplaceable habitats, migration corridors, and working lands of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
This year will be no exception! We have over a dozen incredible projects in the works and look forward to sharing details about these conservation easement acquisitions as the year progresses. Throughout this year, we will highlight our landscape, celebrating the irreplaceable resources of the Greater Yellowstone region that our work protects and is still working to protect. Because it is our 30th anniversary this year we plan to share 30 stories that highlight the people, partnerships, and places that have made our work possible.