Our Mission
Teton Regional Land Trust’s mission is to conserve working farms and ranches, fish and wildlife habitat, and scenic open spaces in Eastern Idaho for this and future generations.
Vision & Values
Teton Regional Land Trust envisions a future where the residents and visitors of the Upper Snake River Region of Eastern Idaho enjoy clean rivers and streams, abundant wildlife, inspiring vistas, working lands and a thriving economy. We see a future where our community values Teton Regional Land Trust as a vital institution that protects and contributes to the quality of life in our area. Into the future, Teton Regional Land Trust will evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of the land and the community, with a broad base of support and the financial independence to fulfill the commitments we have made.
As a nationally accredited land trust, we value:
• Integrity: We value transparency in our transactions and are accountable to ourselves and to the people of our region.
• Respect: We work in partnership with willing landowners and value past and present generations of land stewards as examples for the future.
• Community: We recognize, respect and support the inherent cultural connection that both landowners and the community have with the Eastern Idaho landscape. We understand that open space provides important ecological, economic, educational and recreational benefits to communities in our region.
• Commitment: We ensure strong resource conservation and stewardship in perpetuity through cooperative work with willing landowners, educational outreach and celebration of our resources and people.
• Organizational Excellence: We support a professional staff and well-rounded Board of Directors committed to excellence and accountability.
• Fiscal Responsibility: We are financially sound and sustainable, supporting our long-term stewardship responsibilities by robust endowments.
• Non-Political: We implement our mission as an apolitical organization.
“There are few conservation organizations that can do as much good without creating any enemies as a land trust, and Teton Regional Land Trust has done exceptional work for 25 years in a part of the world where conservation is critical. The fact that we also live here and care about the place pretty much requires us to support the land trust as much as we can. Conservation supports us!” – Ralph Mossman & Mary Mullany