Looking for a new place to explore? Want to learn more about birds, bugs, animals, and plants of Teton Valley? If this sounds appealing to you, then head out to the Woods Creek Fen for your next adventure. Located west of the City of Driggs on Bates Road, the Fen is a 60-acre property owned and managed by the Teton Regional Land Trust and is open to the community. The Fen is a great place for families looking to spot a moose or birds, or anyone looking for an out of the ordinary adventure!
The property is part of a much larger ecological feature known as a “fen.” A fen is similar to a bog, but has peat soils fed by underground springs. Woods Creek Fen is a very “rich” fen because the springs are fed by water traveling underground from the Teton Mountains. As the water travels through limestone bedrock, it picks up calcium, carrying it to the fen. Because the conditions are so unusual in Woods Creek Fen, you can find more rare plant species here than in almost any other kind of wetland in our area.
The Woods Creek Fen is open to the public, and is also used as an outdoor classroom. The Fen features several educational kiosks, a picnic table, a memorial bench, and an elevated observation deck with a powerful spotting scope for observing the numerous animals and birds who call the Fen home.