2nd Annual Greater Yellowstone Crane Festival Poster Design Contest
2nd Annual Greater Yellowstone Crane Festival Poster Design Contest
The Greater Yellowstone Crane Festival is held to celebrate the annual migration of Sandhill Cranes through Teton Valley. This year’s festival will be on September 16-21. Teton Regional Land Trust, on behalf of the festival, is seeking area artists to submit original poster designs for the annual poster design contest. The winning design will be the official poster for the 2nd annual festival and will be used on advertising, banners, and merchandise.
The Saturday event is held on the Driggs City Center Plaza and includes nature-themed arts and crafts for kids, live music, crane inspired dances, poetry, art, food and drinks from local vendors, workshops, and presentations. The festival will conclude with the Crane Festival Art Show, an exhibition on the plaza and in the GeoTourism Center to showcase crane inspired art. The art show will be open to the public throughout the day and some of the art will be included in a silent and live auction to raise funds to directly benefit the work of the Teton Regional Land Trust in protecting Sandhill Cranes and their habitat in Teton Valley.
Entries for the 2019 Crane Festival Poster Contest are due on May 1, 2019. Please see the 2019 Poster Design Contest Guidelines for official rules and instructions on how to submit your artwork. All artists who enter the contest are invited to participate in the Crane Festival Art Show.